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Breast Procedures

Breast Exchange

With 1 in 10 women having a breast augmentation, it’s no surprise that it’s been the #1 plastic surgery procedure in the U.S for the past 10 years.

Most women are very happy with their decision to get breast implants, and are highly satisfied with their cosmetic outcome. But, if you’re one of the few who are unhappy, you may want to consider a Breast Implant Exchange.

Why do some women exchange an implant?

To change the size

The main reason women choose to exchange their implants is to change size. While most women choose to go larger, some will opt to go smaller.

To get their pre-pregnancy breasts back

Being a mom is wonderful but it also changes your body.

When your body changes, your implants might not look the way they once did. If you’re unhappy with your breast implants after pregnancy, breast shape and volume can be improved by exchanging your implants.

To change the feel of their implants

Several factors determine how your breasts will feel with implants:

  • The amount of natural breast tissue covering the implant
  • The type of implant (silicone or saline)
  • The size, shape or volume of the implant

If you’re unhappy with the feel of your implants after your augmentation, exchanging the type of implant can make a big difference.

To change the type of implants

There are many options regarding type and shape of implants:

  • Different choices for what’s inside the implant (saline or silicone)
  • The projection (profile) of the implant
  • The shape of the implant
  • The manufacturer of the implant
  • The texture of the implant

To bring back the original look

All breasts change over time – even those that are augmented. Breast implants themselves age over time, as well. If the changes that aging brings to your breasts are making you re-think your current implants, an implant exchange can help you achieve the breast aesthetic that you’re most happy with.

Learn about all your options with a consultation by Suffolk Plastic Surgeons P.C.